Syria's fractured opposition a long way from victory
Syria's Free Army gathered together opposing the Assad Regime
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- U.S and Europe are onboard over the removal of Assad from power however Russia and China are allies with Syria and fear their relationship will be jeopardized if a regime change occurs.
- Opposing citizens wish for president Assad and his regime to step down from government.
- It is estimated that more than 5,400 people have been killed since March 2011 against people who are opposing the regime.
- There are many different divisions against each other (i.e. There's the Islamists versus the secularists)
- Syrian national council is the largest opposing group against the regime.
- National Coordination Body for Democratic Change is a less opposing group of the regime and also opposes the views of the Syrian national council.
- Free Syrian Army is comprised of roughly 15,000 soldiers all of whom are defectors of the Syrian army who are opposing the Assad regime, combating anyone in the way.
- It is believed that foreign powers are funding the opposing groups.
· Assad regime is not stepping down.
· Regime fighting and killing opposing groups.
· Many opposing groups are engaging in combat with Syrian army
· International countries asking for Assad to step down.
· Danger filled streets, as fighting continues between opposing groups.
· 5,400 deaths are believed to have occurred
How did this issue start?
How should it be resolved
- Citizens wanting Assad
and his regime to step down.
- Assad ignoring the
wishes of the citizens.
- Opposing groups are formed and use violence as
a means of change. |
- Assad must step down to
insure the stop of violence.
- Foreign military involvement will be necessary
unless opposing groups can over through the regime. |
My View
I believe there are few options for ressolving this issue. Due to current nature of violence going on, it will be difficult for peaceful change to occur. The best case scenerio would be that Assad step down. As I mentioned in my previous comment, I think it will take the death of Assad to put the country in the right direction in terms of change in the government. Another option of coarse, is foreign military aid, although that could be risky and isnt neccessary due to the violence being local and no international attacks have been threatened.