Sunday, February 19, 2012

Unease hangs in the air on anniversary of Libyan revolution

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Article Summary

·         One year ago the Libyan revolution began

·         Lawless militias committing crimes and threaten to destabilize the country by hindering efforts to rebuild.

·         Libyans anger began with the arrest of human rights lawyer Fathi Terbil.

·         Protest began against Moammar Gadhafi and called for a "Day of Rage" on February 17.

·         Protest continued for eight months after until the death of Gadhafi.

·         Citizens are still unease as to what the future holds.

·         Celebration is underway, however revolutionary fighter are on high alert against former regime loyalists.

·         The country is in need of a strong government and defences.

·         Voters are going to the polls at the end of June to pick a national assembly that will draft a new constitution.


-Death of leader Gadhafi
-Current govn’t struggling
-Election for new govn’t
-New constitution is needed
-Militia groups causing war crimes
-People still uneasy of what the future holds.
-Fears of former regime loyalists, causing disruptions to celebrations.
-No real government structure.


How did this issue start?
How should it be resolved?
-Arrest of a human’s rights lawyer.
-Protests, lead to death of Gadhafi.
-Militia groups causing violence throughout the country
-Lack of authority
-New, strong government
-Rebuild the countries defences
-Take down the militia groups.


     This is an issue in which has been going on for a year now. I remember hearing the stories of it's progress as it unfolded. The country has undergone an incredible revolution however is far from being a paradise. Libya is in a great need of a new government, one who will lead the people for the better. The militia groups must be controlled and taken down otherwise, the future will remain uneasy. The people need some security and should be able to walk the streets without fear of a man with a gun. The country will not have successfully revolutionized until a new government is formed and peace is restored to the people.
     Something must be done to ressolve Libya issue. A start would be a new government, who will protect the rights of the citizens, rebuild its forces and rid the country of militia groups. This is not possible over night however must be done to rebuild the country and instill confidence within the people.

1 comment:

  1. ● Great start!
    ● Ensure that hyperlinks are labeled properly.
    ● Ensure that mind map is horizontal.
